Tender success secures funding to establish aged care finder program for CALD communities in NSW

Jan 29, 2023 | KLR Communications, News, Tenders

Care Finder Program
KLR Communications wishes to congratulate our client Advance Diversity Services in its successful bid to deliver the Care Finder program in NSW.

Advance Diversity will receive funding to focus on the establishment of the program for CALD communities in South Eastern Sydney, including the areas of Hurstville, Kogarah, Rockdale, Sutherland and Cronulla.

The establishment of a network of care finders aims to provide specialist and intensive assistance to help people within the care finder target population to better understand and access aged care and connect with other relevant supports in the community.

The Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety found that the aged care system needs more localised and face-to-face support to help people to navigate and access aged care services and other relevant supports, particularly for those at risk of falling through the cracks.

Advance Diversity will help to develop and enhance aged care by providing assertive outreach and engagement to those who:

  • are isolated or have no support person (e.g. carer, family or representative) who they are comfortable to act on their behalf and/or who is willing and able to support them to access aged care services via My Aged Care
  • experience communication barriers, including limited literacy skills
  • have difficulty processing information to make decisions
  • feel resistance to engage with aged care for any reason and their safety is at immediate risk or they may end up in a crisis situation within (approximately) the next year
  • are homeless or at risk of homelessness and have no family or close friends who live nearby to help them find and choose services
  • have a cognitive impairment and no family.

Advance Diversity were referred to us by an existing client serviced by our tender team. This was a new program Advance Diversity was keen to deliver in their regions of operation and, despite the tight turnaround and competing deadlines, we were keen to assist. We are delighted to hear that our client has successfully secured approximately $1 million in funding and look forward to hearing more about the outcomes of the project implementation”, said Kathryn Garth, Managing Director, KLR Communications.

To discuss how KLR Communications may assist your business with your next project or tender application, contact us.


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